Sam Goffen

May 26, 20231 min

Shotgun Lesson - George Ezra - For Beginners

The aim of these lessons is to help those learning from either the Guitar Basics book (the green one) or a Rockschool grade book learn and practise the song Shotgun.

One important note is that you will need a capo. You can find some linked here: but feel free to just google 'Capo'.

I'm hoping that we'll be able to play this piece at the end of the Summer Performance this year and want everybody who'd like to join in be able to do so. We should have a drummer, keyboard, as many guitars as possible and the singing group at King's Gate Primary school.

Also, if parents play guitar or anything else and can join in, feel free!!

The first lesson goes through how to play the song if you're on the Guitar Basics book, using notes that come pretty early on - E, B, G, A, C, D - and using these to make basic triad chords, and sometimes rootless 7ths etc. You don't need to know what these are, just follow along with the video.

Here's that video:

This next video has some slightly more higher level chords, so is aimed at those doing the Rockschool exam books, grade debut and up.

If learning other Rockschool pieces, like I'm Yours, you might want to check out this page too:
